Uses of Class
Packages that use PSRegion
Uses of PSRegion in dev.espi.protectionstones
Subclasses of PSRegion in dev.espi.protectionstonesModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Represents a region that exists but is a group of mergedPSStandardRegion
Represents an instance of a PS region that has been merged into another region.class
Represents an instance of a standard PS region, that has not been merged or contains merged regions.Methods in dev.espi.protectionstones that return PSRegionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic PSRegion
PSRegion.fromLocation(org.bukkit.Location l)
Get the protection stone region that the location is in, or the closest one if there are overlapping regions.static PSRegion
PSRegion.fromLocationGroup(org.bukkit.Location l)
Get the protection stone parent region that the location is in.static PSRegion
PSRegion.fromLocationGroupUnsafe(org.bukkit.Location l)
Get the protection stone parent region that the location is in.static PSRegion
PSRegion.fromLocationUnsafe(org.bukkit.Location l)
Get the protection stone region that the location is in, or the closest one if there are overlapping regions.static PSRegion
PSRegion.fromWGRegion(org.bukkit.World w, r)
Get the protection stone region with the world and region.PSMergedRegion.getParent()
abstract PSRegion
Get the parent of this region, if there is one.PSStandardRegion.getParent()
Methods in dev.espi.protectionstones that return types with arguments of type PSRegionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGet the protection stones regions that have the given name as their set nickname (/ps name), from all worlds.Get the protection stones regions that have the given name as their set nickname (/ps name)PSPlayer.getHomes(org.bukkit.World w)
Get the list of homes a player owns.PSMergedRegion.getMergeableRegions(org.bukkit.entity.Player p)
PSRegion.getMergeableRegions(org.bukkit.entity.Player p)
Get a list of regions that the current region can merge into, taking into account a player's permissions.PSStandardRegion.getMergeableRegions(org.bukkit.entity.Player p)
ProtectionStones.getPSRegions(org.bukkit.World w, String identifier)
Get protection stone regions using an ID or alias.PSPlayer.getPSRegions(org.bukkit.World w, boolean canBeMember)
Get the list of regions that a player owns, or is a member of.PSPlayer.getPSRegionsCrossWorld(org.bukkit.World w, boolean canBeMember)
Get the list of regions that a player owns, or is a member of.PSEconomy.getRentedList()
Get list of rented regions.PSPlayer.getTaxEligibleRegions()
Get the list of regions that a player can pay money for taxes to.Methods in dev.espi.protectionstones with parameters of type PSRegionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
PSEconomy.doRentPayment(PSRegion r)
Process a rent payment for a region.static void
PSEconomy.processTaxes(PSRegion r)
Process taxes for a region.void
abstract void
Set the parent of this region.void
Uses of PSRegion in dev.espi.protectionstones.commands
Methods in dev.espi.protectionstones.commands that return PSRegionMethods in dev.espi.protectionstones.commands with parameters of type PSRegionMethod parameters in dev.espi.protectionstones.commands with type arguments of type PSRegionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
ArgAddRemove.determinePlayerSurpassedLimit(org.bukkit.entity.Player commandSender, List<PSRegion> regionsToBeAddedTo, PSPlayer addedPlayer)
Uses of PSRegion in dev.espi.protectionstones.event
Methods in dev.espi.protectionstones.event that return PSRegionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPSCreateEvent.getRegion()
Returns the region being created.PSRemoveEvent.getRegion()
Returns the region being removed.Constructors in dev.espi.protectionstones.event with parameters of type PSRegionModifierConstructorDescriptionPSCreateEvent(PSRegion psr)
PSCreateEvent(PSRegion psr, org.bukkit.entity.Player player)
PSRemoveEvent(PSRegion psr)
PSRemoveEvent(PSRegion psr, org.bukkit.entity.Player player)
Uses of PSRegion in dev.espi.protectionstones.utils
Methods in dev.espi.protectionstones.utils that return PSRegionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionWGMerge.RegionCannotMergeWhileRentedException.getRentedRegion()
static PSRegion
WGMerge.mergeRealRegions(org.bukkit.World w, rm, PSRegion root, List<PSRegion> merge)
static PSRegion
WGMerge.mergeRegions(String newID, org.bukkit.World w, rm, PSRegion root, List<PSRegion> merge)
Methods in dev.espi.protectionstones.utils with parameters of type PSRegionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic boolean
WGUtils.canMergeRegionTypes(PSProtectBlock current, PSRegion mergeInto)
static List<com.sk89q.worldedit.math.BlockVector2>
WGUtils.getPointsFromDecomposedRegion(PSRegion r)
static PSRegion
WGMerge.mergeRealRegions(org.bukkit.World w, rm, PSRegion root, List<PSRegion> merge)
static PSRegion
WGMerge.mergeRegions(String newID, org.bukkit.World w, rm, PSRegion root, List<PSRegion> merge)
Method parameters in dev.espi.protectionstones.utils with type arguments of type PSRegionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
ChatUtil.displayDuplicateRegionAliases(org.bukkit.entity.Player p, List<PSRegion> r)
static PSRegion
WGMerge.mergeRealRegions(org.bukkit.World w, rm, PSRegion root, List<PSRegion> merge)
static PSRegion
WGMerge.mergeRegions(String newID, org.bukkit.World w, rm, PSRegion root, List<PSRegion> merge)